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Betsy Chow

Cello – ‘Berry’ early 20thC

Betsy attends Sherbourne Girls and plays in many of their orchestras and ensembles. As part of the Taunton Music Festival, she has been awarded the Nesta Franklyn M.B.E - 16 and under cup and the Cavey cup for Grade 7-8. She performed at the Taunton Music Festival Gala Concert on the 11th of June, winning the overall award for best musical performance across the entire two-week festival and was a finalist at the Pro Corda String Trio Competition.

Betsy says: ‘This instrument can help me achieve my technical and musical skills more efficiently by producing a better quality of sound, as well as allowing me to delve deeper into my cello playing and providing a larger insight into the instrument. Also, it will give me an opportunity to own my own cello instead of borrowing the school's one, given that is it difficult to transport my own cello from Hong Kong into the UK. Lastly, it will help me shape my future into the music industry as a cellist as my profession.'


Helping Tomorrow's Musicians Today

Cherubim Music Trust (Charity No 1088403)
Professional-level instrument loans


Director: Michael Maxwell Steer.

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