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Rebecca Cullen

Cello - Saxony

Rebecca began to study cello at the age of 13 with the Tri-Borough Music Hub. She is currently studying towards her ARSM Performance Diploma with Abby Lorimier. She also plays tenor saxophone and is studying piano, composition and musical awareness with Guildhall Young Artists Online. She has a disability but works very hard and would love to audition to study music at a conservatoire or university where she could further her learning, meet other musicians and play regularly.
She is very happy to receive this Saxony cello that was kindly donated by Ruth Windle which will help her to develop her skills to become a more accomplished performer.

She currently plays with the Ernest Read Symphony Orchestra and is looking forward to taking on more musical opportunities now that she has a better cello.


Helping Tomorrow's Musicians Today

Cherubim Music Trust (Charity No 1088403)
Professional-level instrument loans


Director: Michael Maxwell Steer.


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