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Donating to The Cherubim Trust

As we are entirely dependent on donations, grants and legacies, please consider helping us via the following funding options:

Cherubim Club

To help “tomorrow’s musicians today” the Trust needs supporters itself. A small monthly or quarterly payment, on which we reclaim GiftAid, helps cover running costs. If you enjoy music you could make a real contribution to its future by joining the Cherubim Club.


People have many different reasons for joining but here are some of them:

Bob Rowley


Download a Gift Aid pdf to increase the value of your gift to the trust by 25% and if you are a higher rate taxpayer, to claim certain tax reliefs for yourself.
Download form


Monthly Donations by Standing Order.

We very much value regular support. Please download a form to complete.


Giving shares and securities

Individuals and companies can get income tax relief on gifts to charities of certain shares, securities and other investments.


Remember The Cherubim Music Trust in Your Will.

A great way to be remembered – a fine instrument played in your name by a new generation star. NB. Outright gifts and bequests to the trust are completely free of inheritance tax.

For any enquires contact


Do you have more questions? 

To know more about how we raise money and support young musicians, see our accounts here – and click on the file name to download the file.


“I attended a concert Maxwell organised where Michael Muskett played hurdygurdy and musette. Inspired by this I eventually took up the Northumbrian smallpipes, which I now play with a folk band and at celebrations. Because I get so much out of music, I’m glad to do my bit enabling others develop expertise a bit sooner than I did!”

Mary James MBE


“Growing up in a musical family I remember just how important music was to me. Knowing a lot of families can’t afford the cost of an instrument a child may need I’m delighted to contribute what I can.”

Nigel & Linda Hackettt



“As parents of Cherubim Young Artist Eddy Hackett, we value immensely the vital support Cherubim has given him in his progression from student to concert performer. By becoming subscribers we would like to support future musicians in the same way. Cherubim really is a godsend to young musicians.”

Donate with PayPal


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Helping Tomorrow's Musicians Today

Cherubim Music Trust (Charity No 1088403)
Professional-level instrument loans


Director: Michael Maxwell Steer.


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