Thank you so much to everyone who came to our Fonthill House Open Garden last Sunday. We are still reeling by how wonderful the day was and by how many came to support. The weather was beautiful, the setting was stunning, the music was wonderful and there were so many amazing stalls to enjoy.
Over 700 people came along for the day and we are so thrilled that we managed to raise nearly £10,000! Thank you to everyone who made it a brilliant event.
This photo taken by Chris Christodoulou is of our Wind Quintet, including Cherubim musicians Alexia Pasquariello on flute, Ivan Rogachev on clarinet and Emily Ambrose on bassoon. We have had many comment on how completely astonishing their music was, alongside our other musicians Lily Owens, Casey Whyte and Clara Gatti Comini.
Our director, Michael Maxwell Steer, says: ‘Music Alfresco at Fonthill House Open Garden was simply the most exciting and successful event Cherubim has ever put on. The challenges of presenting three groups of Cherubim Young Musicians simultaneously were immense, but it was a beautiful afternoon and with the superb support of our host Lord Margadale’s staff we coped with 700+ visitors. For me it was a lifetime high to be able to present beautiful music in such a beautiful setting.’
